Board Members Present: David Fox, Mike Brown, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, Megan Lee, Lydell Brown and Jennifer Newman (quorum present).
Absent: Amy Lee, Kent Hettinga
Welcomed new LAYSL board members and confirmed new board positions.
- Megan Lee (Treasurer)
- Lydell Brown (Equipment Coordinator)
- Kristy Nowak-Lovato (Vice President)
- David Fox (President)—previously was equipment coordinator
Treasurer to set-up Quickbooks for monthly accounting report. $250/yr
Board agreed to use an accountant on an as-needed basis
New pricing for kinder/recreational soccer registration.
- $75/yr for kinder and $100/yr for recreational (for 2018-19 soccer season only).
- Board agreed to price change.
New equipment shed located at North Mesa. Parent volunteers/coaches can line field on an as-needed basis.
Practice days and times set for recreational soccer program
- 5:30-6:30, Los Alamos M/W; White Rock T/Th
- plan on rec games on Friday (alternate WR/LA)
Recreational registration set up by grades, K, 1, 2, 3 and 4th (versus birth year). Board agreed to change.
Field coordinator (Kent Hettinga) rolling off the board after this Fall season. Need to find a replacement.
Set up advertisement for referee clinic on LAYSL home page—Need referees!