Attendance: David Fox, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, James Colgan, Mike Brown
I will preface these minutes with the understanding that we are currently under a public health order until August 28th that disallows organized sports. We are moving through the meeting preparing for the possibility that we may enter into phase I and possibly phase II in the fall.
New Mexico Youth Soccer Association (NMYSA) has contacted the governor’s office to discuss a unified phased re-entry approach to get back to playing.
In the event that we move into phase I:
- Current guidelines state social distancing currently with a 5:1 ratio of kids to coach.
- If a phase I approach is met, it is possible that phase II could be achieved in 4-6 weeks.
- In phase II, it is possible that small-sided games could occur.
To prepare for the possibility of phase I in the near future, the board will contact the county to discuss reserving field space. Paul & Kristy will look into this to see where the county currently stands on future reservations.
The board discussed timing to provide details for registration in the fall. An option considered was enabling placeholders to show interest if the league is able to move into phase I. There was discussion on how to run a recreational program and if it is feasible to do this at phase I ensuring proper social distancing is maintained. James Colgan, recreational coordinator will pulse parents and coaches in the recreational program to see where their thoughts are.
There has been much discussion on what a Duke City competitive season would look like in the fall. The high school programs are talking with the Duke City officials in discussing various options. The current high school soccer season is set for mid-February to mid-April.
There are online grassroots coaching clinic options that should be available the end of August/early September. These can be found at and the NMYSA website.
The LAYSL coaching clinic with Rick Flores is still set to occur. The re-scheduled date has not been set.
We have been members of the Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce for a few years now. Kristy Nowak-Lovato will look into the services that are provided with this membership.
There is a NMYSA meeting scheduled for the second week of August which will be attended by David Fox. A new registration platform will be adopted for the upcoming season. In addition, updates on possible phased re-opening will be discussed. LAYSL will plan to have the annual meeting on August 18th.