Feb 27th, 2023

Annual Board Meeting 6:00-6:30 Public Open Meeting Attendees: Board- James Colgan, Kristy Lovato, John Patchett, Megan Lee, Susie Schillaci, Hassan Hijazi, Rosa Moreno, Mike Brown Public- Darren Harvey, Adam Drew,…

Jan 23rd, 2023

Attendance: James Colgan, Hassan Hijazi, Megan Lee, Susie Schillachi, Mike Brown, John Patchett, Kristy Lovato, Lydell Brown, Rosa Moreno John Patchett brought up the field meeting that will be planned…

July 14th, 2021

Attendance: Megan, David, Lydell, Mike, James, Kristy, Susie, (Sharon Seitz via phone call) 4 comp teams boys – Mark, Judy, John, Juan U10 comp – Jan 2012 birth year Need…

June 2nd, 2021

Attendance: David Fox, Lydell Brown, James Colgan, Megan Lee, Mike Brown, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, Paul Fenimore (all board members) Annual Meeting 5:00-6:00 open to public Board Meeting 6:00-7:00 Board positions up…

February 1st, 2021

Attendance: David Fox, Michael Brown, James Colgan, Lydell Brown, Megan Lee, Kristy Nowak-Lovato Discussion on the county moving from Red to Yellow. February 8th is a key date for a possible…

August 4th, 2020

Attendance: David Fox, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, James Colgan, Mike Brown I will preface these minutes with the understanding that we are currently under a public health order until August 28th that disallows…

January 6th, 2020

Attendance: David Fox, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, Megan Lee, Mike Brown, Lydell Brown, Paul Fenimore James Colgan agreed help out as the recreational coordinator starting this Spring and beyond. Welcome James and Thank…

October 4th, 2019

Attendance: David Fox, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, Megan Lee, Mike Brown, Lydell Brown, Paul Fenimore, Kelsey Arcocha The Board discussed spending rate for supplies for the season. Spending is on target to…

June / July Board Meeting, 2019

6:30-8:30pm Lydell Brown, Jennifer Newman, Mike Brown, Dave Fox and Megan Lee present ● Treasurer will post current LAYSL/LAFC financials on website ● President will craft an email to LA/WR…

May 6th, 2019

Held at Mesa Public Library, Los Alamos, NM Conference Room 1&2—6-7:30 Agenda Address any concerns from attendees prior to addressing board needs/concerns—No concerns from the general public. Need two (2)…