Players must have shin guards and socks that cover the shin guard. Socks must be covering the shin guards. Players are not allowed to participate in practices or games without shin guards. Cleats and shorts are recommended but are not required.
Frequently Asked Questions
Recreational players are given a team jersey by the league. Competitive and tournament team uniforms are purchased separately by the player. Uniform kits are about $80. A link to the supplier will be provided by the registrar.
First time buyers of soccer cleats often make the mistake of purchasing football or baseball cleats. They look alike, but the difference is in the toe. Football and baseball cleats have a cleat under the front tip, or toes of the cleat, while soccer cleats do not have them. The toe cleat can cause serious cuts when challenging for the ball. Referees will examine footwear and will not allow toe cleats.
Your child should practice and play with the appropriately sized ball. Ball diameter and weight are different for each size.
- U5-U8: #3
- U9-U12: #4
- U13 and above: #5
Recreational seasons consist of 6 games. Competitive seasons consist of 8 games. Games start in early Sept for the fall season. The recreational games start in early April for the spring season while the competitive season starts in early March. Recreational league games will pause for spring break. Competitive team games continue through spring break. Competitive players must plan on playing on both spring break Saturdays. Competitive and tournament teams will often play in preseason and post season tournaments
- Teams practice 2 or 3 times a week, usually for an hour and half.
- Games are on Saturdays at the Bernalillo Soccer Complex.
- Times for games are from 9:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon.
We do have a mechanism for allowing kids play up an age, but these are granted on a limited basis. The primary allowance for playing up is for players who have skipped a grade in school. Otherwise, LAYSL typically does not allow play ups. Please see the section under Parent Resources about playing up. Playing up requires the approval of the President or Vice President.
LAYSL no longer needs an official birth certificate. A photocopy will suffice for registration.