Annual Board Meeting
6:00-6:30 Public Open Meeting
Board- James Colgan, Kristy Lovato, John Patchett, Megan Lee, Susie Schillaci, Hassan Hijazi, Rosa Moreno, Mike Brown
Public- Darren Harvey, Adam Drew, Jessica Kubicek-Sutherland, Dustin Sutherland, Tom Rolfe, Ayan Biswas, Brian Tatro
6:05 Start Meeting
Discussion on open board positions. Many of our Board members have been serving for a long time and the Board appreciates their dedication. The Treasurer position is open and the current Treasurer will be available to overlap and train a new Treasurer. The Boys Comp Coordinator is open to leaving the position if a replacement is interested. Tom Rolfe expressed his interest to transition to Equipment Coordinator in August. He has been training with the current Equipment Coordinator.
Discussion regarding the girls program. There were some concerns regarding unwarranted attention to the girls program that did not seem justified to the current coaches. Some coaches had voiced a feeling of focused retaliation from past issues that seem to continue to trickle into the present. These concerns were heard by the board and discussed in the closed session. It was brought to the public visitors and the LAYSL board’s attention that there is a comments/concerns button on the LAYSL website that goes directly to the President. This is a venue to raise any issues where the President will then decide how to proceed in addressing the issue.
Coaches from the girls program discussed their current path forward, the academy style practices, inclusivity and communication within the program. The girls program requested that any issues or concerns with coaches, players, or parents, be directed through the LAYSL comments/concerns path on the website and ultimately to the LAYSL President.
There was an additional informational statement regarding the NMAA’s stance on club coaches coaching at the high school level. This position has changed and now there is no issue with club coaches also coaching their athletes at the high school level.
There was a BSN “extra” items store opened up through the girls program. This was a short turnaround store that included Nike items and items that were not available to The LAYSL logo was present on all items offered and this was given as an optional mechanism to obtain “extra” non mandatory LAYSL club items. The board approved that this was fine as long as there were no uniform kits or mandatory club items included.
There was discussion on bringing in a goalkeeper coach to help train kids at the pre-comp and comp level that were interested in GK training. Megan Lee and Susie Schillaci will pursue this option to see availability for a future mini-camp session or possibly weeknight training dates.
Prior to moving into the closed session, it was stated that a Board Code of Conduct would be drafted for all board members to follow and the comments/concerns button was reiterated as a place to focus any grievances going forward. This will be communicated to the Board before the next meeting.
The meeting moved to a closed session at 6:35.