Attendance: James Colgan, Hassan Hijazi, Megan Lee, Susie Schillachi, Mike Brown, John Patchett, Kristy Lovato, Lydell Brown, Rosa Moreno
John Patchett brought up the field meeting that will be planned for February 16th 2023. The reservation season is March 1, 2023-August 11, 2023
Discussion regarding the reconciliation form to capture volunteer hours required by the county. We are waiting to see the invoice on what LAYSL may owe.
Indoor sessions
Boys 6-9 Barranca Mesa
Girls 6:45-7:45 Aspen Elementary U12/U14
Girls 8-10 LAMS U18
Attendance has been high for indoor workouts from both the girls and boys programs
It was also stated that coaches do not “coach” at indoor. It is more focused on touches and letting the kids play while under adult supervision.
Equipment: Select balls have been ordered from Dick’s sporting goods. This enables quick delivery with no quantity limitations. Bow nets are on the way (10) at 4×6 size. 2 new sets of goals for U10/U12 age group were installed in WR. One at Rover and one at Spirio. Coaches shirts are needed for recreation program volunteers. Currently waiting to place order as there has been some changeover in the company.
Recreational soccer program will start on March 20th. Uniform ordering on is pretty quick with minimum backlog.
Boys programs. Younger teams are all set with players. May have a conflict with spring sports. High school aged team will be U15/U16/U17. U14 players (about 4) will most likely play with the U13 team. There is not enough in this age group to field a full U14 team. A handful of pre-comp boys will be trying out for the competitive team.
Registration – daily post press release and los alamos reporter. All registration is open. Need to update the house player fees for house player with game play option. $150 per player for a house player with the ability to play up to 4 games at coaches discretion. This was unanimously decided amongst the board.
Touch base with Alyssa (registrar) to ensure we have compliance among all coaches including rec. Also, need updated list on recreational players on a weekly basis.
Girls program. Want to ensure the program is running in a holistic, open and inclusive manner. Program currently does not turn kids away and allows late players to join. Program is working hard to ensure there is inclusivity at all levels as there is a wide span of skill levels across the comp program. The only option of U12 and older is competitive play at Duke City. The program is committed to develop kids at all levels. In some instances, coaches have implemented a goal/reward system amongst their teams. For example, a juggling competition to achieve a maximum number of juggles. This is an opportunity for all girls to strive to attain the goal. This was not mandatory and there were various (small) incentive rewards for trying up to the individual with the maximum number of juggles. This was viewed favorably by the board and as long as all are able to participate and it is not mandatory, it was okay to proceed with these small challenges.
We will put in place a request not to have games scheduled during spring break.
Proposed March 14th for recreational gear pick-up.
Annual meeting: February 27th larger venue at 6:00
Vacancies: Treasurer
Grievance – Button on website for comments/concerns that will go directly to the LAYSL president. They will decide how to proceed with addressing the issue. Would also like a button on the website to send thoughts about field conditions. This would go directly to the