Attendance: John Patchett, Megan Lee, James Colgan, Kristy Lovato, Mike Brown, Susie Schillaci, Sharon Seitz and Lydell Brown
James Colgan attended the NMYSA annual general meeting. Bill Flor would like for someone to take over the costs for the domain. The cost is $150/5 years. James Colgan has stated that he would take on this commitment.
Sport psychologist John O’Sullivan was discussed at the meeting. He has books such as “why do kids quit” and “how to coach the player”. These books were highly recommended and the board would like to look into purchasing them to provide to coaches upon request.
The new US referee administrator is out of Las Cruces. There will be a push to try and attract referees as there is a huge shortage.
There is a New Mexico middle school soccer program. LAMS would like to enable this sport at the middle school level. The board is enthusiastic about this possibility and will help to attract coaching where needed. There is a need for referees at the middle school level. LAYSL can help attract referees into the pipeline.
Coach training. The D-course has decreased in length from 12 to 9 weeks and the C course has decreased in length from 20 to 16 weeks.
Moving forward, compliance is at the forefront. A google drive will be used to capture the insurance certificate so it is easily accessible. Compliance will be tracked more regularly for safe sport and heads up (concussion)
We have a possible line on a replacement Treasurer named Svenja Ellison. She will shadow the current Treasurer for a couple of months before joining as the Treasurer. The board unanimously approved of shadowing for a couple months and is on board with this individual joining the Board when the current Treasurer departs.
There is a co-ed summer soccer pick-up game opportunity on Friday’s from 5:00-6:30 at Community Field. They use a size 4 ball and 9v9 player structure. This is typically for U10-U12 players.
James Colgan nominated and Kristy Lovato seconded with all in favor to provide a stipend for both children to the incoming Treasurer when she takes on the role as Treasurer. All board members receive a reimbursement amount comparable to a full season comp registration for their service on the board. If the board member doesn’t have a child in the program, they can pass their reimbursement along to assistant coaches or nominate a child in need to the board for approval.
Scholarship process will be re-visited prior to the Fall 2023 season. The current financial structuring doesn’t meet the needs of the community.
Tryouts went well. Boys will have enough players to roster two U12 competitive teams and two U11 competitive teams. There will be one U10 competitive team.
We will place a form on the LAYSL website for individuals to be able to request gear that was donated. We are currently accepting cleats, shorts, shirts, socks and shin guards.
We will plan to have our next LAYSL meeting in late July. Date to be determined based on summer vacation schedules.