Attendance: Megan Lee, Rosa Moreno, Lydell Brown, James Colgan, Susie Schillaci, Kristy Lovato, Mike Tamashiro, Hassan Hijazi, Sharon Seitz
Treasurer is putting together a google form for head coaches and board members to request reimbursement. Reimbursement is typically for their child’s registration fee. If individual coached for the fall and spring season, total registration fee will be compensated. Discussion regarding individuals that do not have an active child in the program. Ideas were discussed regarding the possibility of Starbucks cards. However, LAYSL does not pay coaches and this path forward may not be ideal.
Board discussed providing donations to both the girls and boys LAHS soccer programs for their 2023 Fall season. The board unanimously approved a donation of $750 per team.
Google forms will be sent out to the coaches prior to season starting to capture tournament plans and cost per tournament.
Referees are needed! If a parent referees for the season, at minimum four games, their child’s registration fees will be reimbursed.
Board made a decision to reimburse the seasonal registration fee for one child of a recreational coach. Currently, head coaches of comp and pre-comp are reimbursed for their children’s registration fee. The head coach can choose to split the reimbursement amount with their assistant coach. This will need to be captured on the google form provided by the Treasurer.
Susie Schillaci started the process to submit for a grant of $2000 from Los Alamos Community Foundation. This grant will provide funding for equipment.
Mike T. discussed the possibility of creating two U11 boys comp teams. These are boys with birth years of 2012. The U12 is looking to field two competitive teams as well. For 9 vs. 9 teams, there was a discussion to have a minimum of 13 players on the roster. There are currently 18 players that they would like to split between two teams. There was a discussion between equally split teams (ability wise) or an A and a B team type format. Pros and cons of both were discussed.
Tryouts will be May 16 & 18 for boys and May 17 & May 18 for girls.
There was a discussion on girls playing on boys teams. This request will be run by the girls comp program director before pulling a girl from a girls team to join a boys team. The board felt that the girls should default to roster with their gender and age group. We want to avoid any impression of the girls teams not being seen as equal in status to the boys teams. Girls could play on a boys team only by exception or for guest players when circumstances warrant. The initial communication for such requests should be between the coaches of the two teams, with the LAYSL competitive coordinator copied.
July is the registration deadline for Duke City.
Board will pulse Chip to place tryout information on the LAYSL website. Tryout information will also be sent out to the LA Daily Post and the Monitor.
Coaches for the girls program
Fall will have U13 team coached by Shelly Price and Jessica Sutherland
The plan for spring is to have a U13 team coached by Jessica Sutherland and a U14-U18 team coached by Adam Drew.
The board will work to line up more opportunities for the LAYSL players to ball shag at high school soccer games in the fall.
Equipment – board approved to donate old outdated equipment to the girls and boys high school soccer program. It was decided that goalie gloves would be provided to teams that were playing at 7v7. First aid kits will be provided and will include band-aids, ice packs, gauze, antiseptic wipes. The program will not provide K-tape in the first aid kits.