Attendance: James Colgan, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, Lydell Brown, Tom Roelfs, Susie Schillaci, Rosa Morena, Svenja Ellison, Antonio Jaurigue, Danielle Zollinger, Mike Brown
Open positions: 2 recreational coordinators, Referee coordinator
LAYSL has approximately 300-400 kids in the program. Danielle and Antonio are here to see if they are interested in board positions. Danielle and Antonio would be looking into the recreational coordinator positions. Sharon would like to step down as referee coordinator. Mike Tamashiro is interested in the referee coordinator position. Board is discussing including a Director of Coaching position to the board and will discuss in next meeting. James Colgan motioned to add Danielle and Antonio to the board to fill the two Recreational Coordinator positions. The motion is seconded by Lydell Brown. All board members are in favor. This will be effective on November 4th in the meantime Rosa will mentor them. Board members, along with head coaches, receive reimbursement for their children’s fees. The league does not pay coaches directly. LAYSL meetings will occur on the first Monday of every month alternating between White Rock and Los Alamos libraries.
Field Coordinator update: Wendy Parker sent an email regarding the Dara Jones field renovation project. Spirio is scheduled for spring 2025. We will most likely lose the ability to use the field in the Summer. Year 2 renovation will be the North Mesa soccer fields. Wendy does have individuals trapping gophers and is looking for other options. Wendy is also having issues with programs submitting their field requests. Field coordinator has been checking in and not seeing any issues with conflicts for field permissions. Goals for the Dara Jones field will not be in the 2025 financial budget. She will look into purchasing goals in the future. LAYSL has gone forward and purchased two sets of goals for these fields. We will move the current goals on Spirio fields over to Dara Jones since Spirio will be closed over 2025. The plan is for Dara Jones to open on October 15th. For the spring schedule, LAYSL would like to heavily use Dara Jones field while Spirio is unusable.
Equipment Coordinator: Lydell purchased Trace cameras. They are leased at $495 per year per camera. We are looking into a subscription for coaches to be able to access the game footage. The equipment coordinator needs to ask the board to make a purchase before making it and not making a unilateral decision. The board is looking at purchasing a Tuff Shed. Tuff Shed pricing ranges for 10×12 at $4,000 to be stationed at North Mesa. $2,500 for 10×16 without a floor, 10×12 with a floor $2,657 self build from Amazon. Cheapest route through Grainger will be 11×11 for $800 Steel with no floor. We have checked with the county and we are okay if we are under 10×12. Susie motioned to purchase the $4,000 10×12 shed. Kristy seconded the purchase. All board members are in favor to purchase the 10×12 Tuff Shed. The shed will be delivered on site and will be sturdy and long lasting.
Girls Comp Coordinator: Tournament breakdown for reimbursement is split between $1,500 for U13 and $1,000 for U12 and below. Field maintenance, mowing requests from Bill Nichols. All Duke City games are going okay and all referee points have been completed. What is the plan for the United games and money that we are receiving as a kick back? They would like to set up a spring LAYSL United day again and plan to have two each year. The kick back will be sent to our general fund. We will be purchasing LAYSL swag for all of the referees.
Boys Comp Coordinator: All things seem okay. Coaches are complaining that Duke City games have been pretty tough. Some coaches are stating that they are winning all of their games. Pre-competitive is fun and there is a large group of kids. There will be a pre-comp team scrimmaging a competitive team to see if they may be placed in the competitive team. Email showing up in the inbox for a recreational tournament. There is also a 3v3 or 4v4 indoor tournament in late November called the Shop to pass along for informational purposes.
Referee Coordinator: Possibly looking at Mike Tamashiro as a replacement.
Recreational Coordinator: Concussion and background check. Autistic child in the program where coach has not been made aware of any issues or concerns. Board is proposing to have coaches email parents at the beginning of the season to let the coaches know if there is anything they should know about their children..
Treasurer: We are okay with funding approximately $50,000. We have two bills that she would like the board to look at. The bills are for domain listings to host our webpage James Dinkel the accountant was responsive to some tax questions that we have.
Meeting adjourned.