James Colgan, Kristy Nowak-Lovato, Tom Roelfs, Svenja Ellison, Rosa Moreno, Susie Schillaci
The meeting was opened with a field discussion. The recreational program would like to look into using Barranca on Monday and possibly pueblo field on Wednesday. The field coordinator will look into securing pueblo upper field as pueblo lower field has been secured.
The group added discussion on continuing to bring Rick Flores up to Los Alamos for training. At this point all equipment has been provided to coaches. The main layslinbox is still attached to the previous president through his cell phone number. The board will get in touch with him and make the change to the current president so we can make modifications to the account. At current, there are many previous board members receiving emails through the layslinbox account that are requesting to be removed. The Duke city referee coordinator would like to pass along information regarding the need for referee’s. For LAYSL, referee needs (uniform) can be reimbursed upon request. In addition, referee training costs will also be reimbursed.
Pueblo field and Dara Jones each need 2 sets of small goals. These fields are school and country run respectively. The cost for small goels would be about $1,100 – $1,600 for a pair of goals. The motion came up to purchase a shed to be placed at overlook for LAYSL equipment storage. The board would like to look into sheds costing around $2,000. The board was unanimous on looking into a shed at this cost. If this shed pans out in WR, the board will look to purchasing a second shed to place at North Mesa soccer fields.
The field reservation system will not go out to July 31st with new reservations starting on August 1st. LAYSL needs to keep up on logging volunteer hours for use of the fields.
Dara Jones opening has been delayed until October 15.
Girls program updates
For the fall season, there are 2 pre-comp teams, two U11 comp teams (pink and green) and a U11/U12 tourney team will be formed specifically for tournaments. There is also a U12,U13,U14 competitive team.
The grant funding that was received from LACF will require a status report @ 13 months. This report will be sent to Liz Martineau.
The board would like to invite Wendy Parker to the October meeting for a status update.
The board has a recreational coordinator vacancy as Hassan Hijazi has decided to leave the position. There was a discussion on whether there should be additional board members as there are currently 10 positions.
Boys program updates
For the fall season the boys have a U9 comp team, U10 comp team, U11 comp teams, two U12 teams, andtwo U13/U14 teams. There are five U11 kids that practice with the older teams.
The Dara Jones field will soon be available for activities and LAYSL would like to secure spots for field use. There was a discussion to bring forth a proposal to the County Council to introduce field ownership since Dara Jones and Jim Flint are both memorialized soccer fields that should be used for those activities.
Rec program updates
Rick Flores was due to come and give a training for the rec coaches, but ended up just sending a webinar. The rec equipment seemed to get distributed with no issues.
Rosa would appreciate a New board member to help, since Hassan has left the board.
Only 100 kids signed up for rec – it appears our numbers are a bit low compared to last year
LA Rec teams
want to use N Mesa on Mon/Wed at 5.30. N Mesa is used by the HS teams. We settled on Barranca on Mondays and Upper Pueblo on Wednesdays. No response from schools yet on the approvals for this but Kristy has someone in mind to talk to.
The rec program still needs 1 more coach but Rosa is confident it will work out.