Our primary mission is to provide a high-quality, safe, and fun opportunity for the youth of Los Alamos and the surrounding area to learn the “beautiful game” at a modest cost. LAYSL is interested in creating lifelong soccer players and fans of the game. We want kids of all ages and abilities on the pitch playing. We strive to teach our players the individual technical skills needed to play the game and a fundamental tactical understanding of how to play. Our players also learn life skills including responsibility, commitment, discipline, sportsmanship, and teamwork.

We are a non-profit organization that operates under international, national, state and local rules, bylaws, and guidelines. Our bylaws were created in 1982. We are affiliated with the New Mexico Youth Soccer Association (NMYSA) and the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA). Our league has recreational, tournament, and competitive programs. LAYSL games and practices are played on fields located throughout Los Alamos and White Rock. These facilities include Overlook Park, Rover Park, North Mesa Field, Community Field, Western Park, and Urban Park. Our teams play games with other regional leagues including Santa Fe and Taos as well as the Duke City League in Bernalillo. The League is an all-volunteer organization including our Board of Directors, coordinators, coaches, referees, and field assistants. The League may hire contractors such as the League Registrar. The Board of Directors generally meets monthly. Our Board of Directors consists of an eight person panel elected by our members. The Board members each have specific functions in running the League. Board member terms last two years. Each year, half of the board positions are up for election at our annual general meeting held in early spring.

LAYSL was granted 501(c)(3) non-profit organization status by the Internal Revenue Service in June 2003. The associated documentation must be made available to the public by IRS regulations. That requirement may be satisfied via this web site: exemption application, exemption letter, and 2003 Form 990-EZ. Additional documents for the following years are also available for public inspection; contact the LAYSL treasurer.

Board of Directors

LAYSL is run by an eight-member board of directors. Board position terms are two years. Elections are held at the annual general meeting in April. All members and coaches are eligible to vote. In even numbered years, the President, Recreational Coordinator, Field Coordinator, and Referee Coordinator are elected. Vice President, Treasurer, Competitive and Event Coordinator, and Equipment Coordinator are elected in odd numbered years. To run for a board position, simply come to the annual general meeting or email us to let us know of your interest. Typically, we need more people interested in joining the board.

  • President: James Colgan
  • Vice President: Kristy Nowak-Lovato
  • Treasurer: Svenja Ellison
  • Recreational Coordinator: Danielle Zollinger and Tony Jaurigue
  • Boys Competitive Coordinator: Mike Brown
  • Equipment Coordinator: Lydell Brown
  • Field Coordinator: Tom Roelfs
  • Referee Coordinator: Mike Tamashiro
  • Girls Competitive Coordinator: Susie Schillaci

Board meetings are open to the membership and are held the first Monday of every month (except for holidays – meetings are rescheduled in that situation). Meetings are at 7 PM, please contact a board member for the location.

Board Meeting Minutes